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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at 5AM  CBS  August 8, 2012 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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was how long it took chevron to notify people. chevron has set up a all line and offered to pay for any medical bills and property loss in connection to the fire. and attorney in richmond posted a sign in his window saying " chevron climbed supply out here chevron says it'll already pay for medical expenses, are you more than that they can stay a middsay a mn things that's wrong with the air, but we don't know that
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the air doesn't pose a significant concern of next to and around the refinery. this morning gas prices are around the guwest coast could jump 25%. this morning as investigators assess the damage to the plant, drivers are already seeing damage to their wallets we are are already seeing a lot of activity on the trader's market, so prices will be more
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expensive come friday or saturday you are paying $3.94 for a gallon of regular. it is the $3.88, up 7¢ from last week. analysts say gas prices where are ready on the rise because gas prices were already on the rise. we've been asking, are you concerned about the spike in gas prices? we ask you this all morning long. you can twitter, facebook or e- mail us parade remember just had to our website to find the cheapest prices on gaspar a
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magnitude 4.4 earthquake rattled northern orange county. id struck around 3 last night. but no damage or injuries have been reported. questions for caltrans that at the hearing. caltrans is denying be falsified information on bridges and tested. his likely republican cabinet diupon as a 5 percent ln
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colorado. this advertisement is categorically false and blatantly dishonest 5 goh's 6 now, chris crissy will make a three day west coast swing on behalf of romney. there have been new speculation of crissy beat romney's running mates. betrayer is says he will not
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seek office and that he is happy in his career role in the cia. six worshipers were killed in oak creek by a dead man with white supremacist ties. local vigils will be held throughout the bay area. the arizona man behind the deadly tucson shooting will spend the rest of his life behind bars. a judge declared gerald leave of generic competition to stand trial. gabrielle giffords and her husband was not in the courtroom
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yesterday, but they say they're satisfied with the plea deal. a quiet start to the day outside right now. mostly clear skies throughout the bay area. we are seeing a little bit of a sea breeze. it is 40 degrees in seven rows are right now. 55 degrees in san francisco. a good five to nine degrees hotter today. 97 degrees in concord. more triple damages heading our way, more than that in a moment we will take you out toward the east bay. a live look at the limits as you pass the coliseum. it is sail for nice move friday.
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smooth the ride. across the bay bridge, but everything is still nice and light. there is variously as a bloc to schedule it till 6:00 this morning on sir francis drake. in the meantime, you can use the sample envelope avenue. they should be opening the ramp surely prayed all overnight roadwork will be five the surely. hernandez was stocked back in march.
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blood test it shows he had a 0.08 blood alcohol level. if convicted, he could face county jail time and license suspension. the checks will have its ribbon cutting ceremony. the number eight is considered lucky in some cultures. voters in santa clara county will be voting on a sales tax increase this november parade the board of supervisors approved a 1.8 hike in november. it looks like an experiment for muni bus this is successful
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parade preliminary information shows of the time buses' spent idling at the curb is improving. the new delivery option, what amazon it has quietly started doing to keep your packages save especially over the holidays. the heart stopping,,,,,,,,,,
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page you believe that there is traffic at this hour everything's pretty quiet on all of your bay area roadways. we are seeing some areas of overnight roadwork parade westbound 588 traffic coming out of the heat of mont pass is pretty much moving at top speeds. let's go toward the san mateo
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bridge, everything is moving nicely in both directions as he passed the paid gates. some overnight roadwork on the dumbarton bridge and has picked up. it is a nice smooth ride in both directions. coming out the east shore freeway, md overnight roadwork is picked up as well parade a 80 if you're traveling the nimitz, never sought a problems there. we are seeing some overnight road work on highway 85, you will find various claimed planes blocked. mass-transit reporting of delays
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folks around the bay area today we are starting out mostly clear inside the bay. a couple badges of fog out toward the coast line. '50s by the afternoon and triple digits inland. a lot of '70s and '80s toward the pacific. hadas stretch of summer coming toward us. if you're traveling around the u.s., there may be some problems in toward the houston area. it is partly cloudy in chicago. new york is checking in with
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partly cloudy skies. '60s out toward the coast. east bay numbers of for the '90s. only about 63 degrees in daly city. this is the time of year where we'd have enough of these sea breeze to keep it cool prayed in the numbers are keeping very hot and air quality is likely to suffer. 517, a mere three plane collision at the airport has prompted changes.
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two planes were taking off and another one was landing, botheir paths nearly cross. 99.1% of packages arrived on time last year. amazon has developed a new plan to prevent stolen packages. he says amazon is now giving shoppers the option to have their packages delivered to lock boxes at some fixed locations including at 711 stores. you get the option at check
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out whether or not you want the package to go to a lock box or not. wendy loc 18 year-old of massachusetts won a gold medal in a woman's floor exercise. a scary moment at the olympics, but watch the german weight lifter. he drops 430 lbs. a ride on his neck. he was ok, but was later taken to the hospital as a precautionary measure. a belgian man took a leave frol
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they may be dropped safely. it was 2,530 ft. down. when i just jumped out of a plane? they are thrill seekers. fighting for a playoff spot, the a's take on thief the angels and oakland. the place that made this cap ca, coming up,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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temperatures staying very mild in some spots. it is going to be hot in the afternoon, details coming up. let's get a check with some of your bay area bridges. so far we're off to a nice start parade we're getting word of an accident that could slow you down. a double dipper yesterday, they both want last night for it
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beat giants buster posey is on a tear. he helped his team beat the cardinals 4-2. let's go to open now, johnny is going to knock one that of the park. the two teams are battling for a wild-card spot. and the play of the day comes from the coliseum. cocoa chris goes back in gems over the 400 mark, he pulls it into the park and preserved the victory parad. we have a bonus play of the day. a foul ball down the left-field line.
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check at his other hand, he is holding a baby. 525 now, changing the way you could pay for your morning cup of coffee. starbucks big new partnership. a bay area lawmaker gave her staff for a labig raise. but if this be checked he's writing to her that is raising eyebrows. ,,,,,,,,,,,,
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[ female announcer ] safeway presents real big deals of the week. or how to get great prices on things you need. we know you look around for the best deals. that's why we give you real big club card deals each week. this week, local seedless grapes straight off the vine are just 79 cents a pound. starbucks coffee is only $7.49. that's less than a quarter for a great cup of coffee. tropicana o.j. is just $2.88. real big deals this week and every week.
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good morning everyone. it is wednesday august 8th. shells at chevron this morning. the committee angry about the richmond refinery fire parade those stories and more in your morning minutes. what are you going to do lied to the community? we should be angry, what they did to us we should be angry gas prices will be going up, we will fill it at the pump up and gerald the law there is playing guilty in killing six
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people and wounding dozens of other including congresswoman gaby giffords. from across the bay to around the world, the stories that matter on eyewitness news this morning. the morning everyone. it was a a angry crowd that had called at chevron's executives at a community meeting. there is a shift change going on here at the refinery. it lot of employees coming to work this morning. the cleanup, investigation and
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repair continues this morning. many upset over what happened on monday night. you going to lie to our community? that was eight community meeting at the richmond civic center. it fire ripped through eight crude units. almost a thousand people had to be treated for health issues. health officials are still testing the air for toxins. ito an apology for the disruption we cause the community last that the man is from a group that
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runs a community garden. chevron says the league startel, it dripped so small. dozens of people are hoping to get compensation from chevron for health problems. an attorney in richmond posted a sign outside his window saying " chevron claims filed here " chevron says they will already pay for medical expenses, are you looking for something more than that? now i'm not. but i'm actually entitled to something if there's something wrong with me because we don't even know what's going wrong o'haair inspectors have not
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found any toxins in the air to be concerned about. the plan itself accounts for about 15 percent of the state's fuel making capacity. this morning investigators are assessing the damage. gas prices will be going up, as consumers we will phillips at the pump to make it worse, a gas prices were already on the rise
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because of rising oil prices. experts they could easily top $4 a gallon soon. in your area, and staffers as though you are paying the $94 cents. in know when this morning, you are paying $3.86, both cities at a up 8 the fans compared toso last week. to find the cheapest gas in
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your area, had to our website. you could search the interactive map by city our zip code to find the lowest prices to fill up your car. we as if you were concerned about prices because of the refinery prices. it's either that or they will shut down for maintenance. it happens every year for vacation season. people in the southern california felt the earth move last night. no damage or injuries have been reported.
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do you get to our one hour of sleep last night? 11 sunshine to start the day. by the afternoon be members will soar again. add pressure is building in. 96 degrees in the bay. as you make your way inside the bait, a temperatures will be in the '60s and '70s let's go out toward high way for parade they just picked up this accident.
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westbound on highway 4, we are starting to seek some brake lights. coming at of the altamont pass, it is usually one of our first spots to slow down. if you speeds below 25 mi. per hour coming at of the of mont pass. let's take you out toward one of our times ever traffic cameras, this is the milpitas camp, you could see seven is between 88 and 721. they filed court papers alleging doj officials are
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partly to blame for her abduction. a san jose man will be sentenced after a meeting to murder. 34 year-old castillo pled guilty to a number of crimes that happened last september. the arizona man accused in the shooting that wounded gaby giffords will spend the rest of his life behind bars. he pled guilty praye.
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several visuals plan to honor the victims killed on sunday at a sikh temple who had a white supremacist ties. later tonight at 8:00 a vigil will be held at east san jose at a temple on merlot avenue. the cbs news new york times polls shows obama's leading by four points in virginia and by six points in wisconsin. romney has a five. edge in colorado. this advertisement is
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categorically false and blatantly dishonest. the white house says that it is a welfare plan will give a waiver of that is only if the eat planning it can prove it could take more people off of welfare. the date is august 8th, at 80 am. the number is considered lucky. 540, copy convenience. the new payment system coming to starbucks. ,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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>> store owners fed up with crime fight back. this is in massachusetts, a store owner shows he is not a guy you want to mess around with very much. you can see in fighting back
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against one of the armed robbers. he even has a lottery machine tossed at him but he fights back. the robbers ran off without any money. starbucks is expanding on mobile payment options for cellphone carrying customers >> it is partnering with the mobile payment start up square and will allow customers to pay with an application on their phone. customers must download an application called pay with square photo and credit card information and after ordering the would scan their phone over a scanner. officials will talk more about it coming up at 7:00. >> stock futures are a little bit lower this morning, 45 minutes ahead of the opening
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bell >> healthy earnings reports in the u.s., ashley joins us now from money what >> most overseas markets got a boost today, the nikkei rose nearly 1% while the hang seng lost a fraction. on wall street, the dow added 51 points while nasdaq gained 25 and closed above 3000 for the first time since may. homeowners are getting better at making their mortgage payments. a new study shows the percentage of our workers falling behind on their loans is that a three-year low following positive news about the job market. the labor department says the number of openings rose in june to the most since july of 2008 but the competition is tough. there are more than three unemployed people for each opening. >> we are hearing that twitter is forced to reveal a popular,
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possibly dangerous user >> twitter has accepted a court order to identify a user who threatened a theater in new york city against the lawmaker feeder were former boxing champ mike tyson is appearing in a one-man show. it read people are going to die just like in aurora. the company had refused to comply with the subpoena but now they have in investigators say they will be using that information when ongoing investigation. it is the first time twitter has come forward with that kind of information. >> to they have extra security? >> will have extra security and the show is planned to go on. >> let's get a look at the weather. everyone's air conditioner will be on today >> yes, we are cranking up the
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temperatures around the bay area today. we will see some serious heat begin to show up at least in the valleys. mostly clear skies inside the bay. patchy fog out at the coast. by the afternoon, 60s and out at the beaches. '70s and '80s around the bay in getting near 100 degrees in some of hotspots courtesy of a high pressure that will really crank up the temperatures. we're looking pretty good at sfo, mostly clear skies this morning and through the afternoon temperatures are running in the '70s. maybe a couple of trouble spots in the houston area, mostly cloudy skies in new york. 86 degrees in san jose, 94 degrees in morgan hill. 67 in half moon bay but the
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spate temperatures into the upper 90s. just enough of a sea breeze to keep the temperature's down. 77 degrees in oakland. the next few days if you like it: you should be at the coast line. triple digits through friday and saturday and possibly cooling slightly towards tuesday. >> we take you outside mobile 5, looking good right now coming down to richmond san rafael bridge. moving fine this morning heading out of marin county. the san mateo bridge, it looks like they spun the camera around so far everything is pretty good. over at the bay bridge, still
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no delay heading into san francisco. usually they turn the metering lights on about a half-hour from now. so far no delays into downtown san francisco. for san mateo and palo alto, no major delays. some overnight roadwork has just picked up in the last few minutes in san jose. stretches of 85 approaching 280, roadwork is all gone. no major problems right now up and down the guadalupe parkway. >> a bay area lawmaker once busted for shoplifting is in the news again. assemblywoman mary how she and her husband paid just under
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$700,000.80 years ago for a town house in castro valley. after the couple bought a new home in 2010 they rented it to work legislative aide just weeks after she gave him a $7,500 raise. she is now running for a supervisor's seat in alameda county. >> i think most people will look at this and say it is inappropriate to have given someone raise and then print your property to them because it creates the appearance of that taxpayers are subsidizing the rays which is going to pay rent which keeps that house in the assembly person's name. >> assemblywoman did not respond to requests for a comment. >> california's fish and game commission president expected to lose his title today six months after shooting a mountain lion. fellow commissioners will vote on a meeting in ventura.
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in february he sent a photo of himself holding a dead mouse to a hunting newspaper. it was shot in idaho where it is legal but animal welfare groups have called for his resignation. a bay area kid gets little bit of himself on mars >> will win " in a bind, the moves rescue that took a lot of patience. hundreds more in your wallet year after year. feed me! saving you money -- now, that's progressive.
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i'llwait... yeah...eryday valuwell, yeah, bacon.on. and my eggs sunny side-up. no, umm, over-easy. the $4 everyday value slam. one of 4 great choices for $4 off the 2-4-6-8 value menu. >> >> nearly 100 firefighters are searching the new world trade center building under
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construction right now. about an hour ago there were you reports of a fire on the 80th floor. there are conflicting reports as to whether there was a fire or not or if it came from a construction worker's welding torch. no injuries have been reported in and we are still awaiting word on the extent of the damage if any. >> if you are headed outside today, a lot of sunshine coming our way. >> here is a live look at traffic across the golden gate bridge where everything is fine this morning. coming up, a check of other bridges and mass transit >> and moose was set loose by a sheriff's deputy in utah after it got tangled in a swing set in someone's backyard. it happened in beaver county,
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the deputy use bolt cutters to finally get the job done. the animal then said thank you and skip off into the woods. and five boxers including thomas in the red all had valid visas allowing them to stay in great britain for at least three months. cameroon's diplomats have not commented on the matter but further details are expected sometime today. >> a 12 year-old has his name etched on a microchip on the rover curiosity. he and his father signed up to have his name put on the microchip back in 2009. they can even track the location on the red planet.
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>> now your name is on the rover on mars >> his friends and family have dubbed him and drew the curiosity kid. not a bad nickname. in the next half-hour, a showdown in the swing states. a brand-new poll shows he has the momentum for the race in the white house >> a double-digit increase we could see at the pump. >> the smoke has cleared from that fire but the anger has not. we'll take a look at a community meeting last night as,
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>> get out of here! >> chevron gets an earful of at the public outrage over the refinery fire and a new promise to the people affected >> the grand opening for a new
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casino in the south bay. >> the sun is coming up on what looks like a very hot stretch of weather. >> crews in with mobile 5, will look at your morning commute, coming up >> good morning everyone it is wednesday august 8th >> chevron officials faced and a greek crowd one night after a major fire in an east bay refinery. >> many of the crowd were outraged over what happened. where in richmond where hundreds of people went to the town hall meeting >> the cleanup work, the repair work in the investigation continues but as you mentioned, hundreds of angry neighbors, people who live here in the richmond area came to a public meeting last night to express
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concerns. at that town hall meeting at the rich and civic center, neighbors wanted to know exactly what toxins were released into the air after that fire ripped through a unit fuelled by a chemical vapor leak. we were told there were diesel compounds in that smoke and almost 1000 people had to be treated for health issues like breathing problems and health officials are still testing for toxins. >> to get out of here! >> this community is a better community having chevron here and i think that is the end of the story >> the other main point of contention, how long it took chevron to notify people of the danger. chevron says the leak started as a trip so


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